Profile picture of Michael Allison, MD

Michael Allison, MD

Michael is Chief of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center, USA.
Works at
University of Maryland

Why I love to teach

I am the Chief of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center and I am board-certified in emergency medicine, internal medicine, and critical care medicine. Teaching is a passion of mine, whether it is using a whiteboard, instructing at the bedside, or constructing lectures on tough critical care topics. I am the Medical Director for the Respiratory Care program at the Baltimore City Community College. My clinical interests include respiratory failure and critical care ultrasonography.

Latest articles with Michael

How to treat your intubated ARDS patients with prone positioning

How can we explain the benefit of prone positioning in ARDS from a physiological perspective? In this video, our teacher explains what evidence says about this therapy, how to perform the proning maneuver, and what the contraindications are.
5th Jul 2022 • 1m read

How to use steroids in patients with ARDS

Steroid use in ARDS has been controversial. Their effect may be very different depending on whether you use them early on or in late ARDS stages. In this video, our expert discusses standard steroid protocols and adverse effects you need to look out for.
5th Jul 2022 • 1m read

How to use PEEP in ARDS

Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) prevents lung alveoli from collapsing and improves oxygenation. Our expert explains what role PEEP plays in ARDS treatment and discusses evidence in the high versus low PEEP debate.
5th Jul 2022 • 1m read

How to diagnose ARDS

The first diagnostic criteria for ARDS were defined in 1994. In this lesson, you will learn how the diagnostic criteria evolved over the years, what the current diagnostic approach is, and how ARDS and acute lung injury are related.
5th Jul 2022 • 1m read

Managing asthma with noninvasive ventilation

In this video, we'll look at the evidence for (and against) the use of NIV in patients with acute asthma exacerbations and consider when NIV might be useful in this cohort.
28th Apr 2020 • 3m read

Applying CPAP in pulmonary edema

In this video, we look at how to use CPAP with pulmonary edema patients in order to avoid endotracheal intubation.
28th Apr 2020 • 3m read

Applying NIV after extubation

In this video, we'll look at how NIV may be used to treat post-extubation respiratory failure or prevent respiratory failure before it occurs.
21st Apr 2020 • 3m read

How NIV improves ventilation

In this video, we'll review the mechanisms by which NIV can improve ventilation.  
7th Apr 2020 • 1m read

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