What's inside
Chapter 1
Level 1: The ECG curve
Let’s start with the ABCs of ECGs. We break down the components of the ECG tracing, so you can build an understanding of advanced electrocardiology concepts.
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Chapter 2
Level 2: Measurements
Next, you’ll learn how to measure ECG intervals and amplitudes. No need to carry a ruler—counting and some simple math are all you need.
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Chapter 3
Level 3: Interpretations of durations
In this level, you’ll become familiar with the normal duration of a P wave, PR interval, and QRS complex—plus what it means when intervals and amplitudes are off.
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Chapter 4
Level 4: The precordial leads
It will pay off later to drill down on the basics—the correct placement of the precordial leads, and which lead corresponds to which specific location within the heart.
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Chapter 5
Level 5: The precordial leads advanced
Here you learn several important pearls and pitfalls regarding the precordial leads. We also introduce you to the nuts and bolts of bundle branch blocks.
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Chapter 6
Level 6: Ventricular hypertrophy
The assessment of ventricular hypertrophy can seem complicated. Complete this level and you’ll be diagnosing right and left ventricular hypertrophy like a pro.
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Chapter 7
Level 7: ST patterns
In this level, you get an easy-to-understand introduction to ST depression and T-wave inversion. Plus master waveform patterns so you can predict life-threatening diseases.
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Chapter 8
Level 8: Introduction to myocardial infarction
Whatever your medical specialty, this level on diagnosing myocardial infarction is one you absolutely don’t want to miss. So dive in!
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Chapter 9
Level 9: Inferior wall myocardial infarction
Recognizing inferior wall MI can be tricky, but with some key tips, you’ll become great at it. We also introduce our ECG Cookbook: a step-by-step approach to evaluating any ECG.
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Chapter 10
Level 10: Mastering the ST segment
Reach expertise in evaluating the ST segment and ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Becoming intimately familiar with the ST segment will help you save lives!
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Chapter 11
Level 11: Cardiac axis, atrial hypertrophy, and low voltage
We’ll teach you when evaluation of the cardiac axis really makes a difference. Plus, learn to recognize signs of atrial enlargement on ECG.
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Chapter 12
Level 12: Electrolyte imbalances
Certain electrolyte disturbances can be suspected just by looking at the ECG. We’ll teach you what to look for.
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Chapter 13
Level 13: Normal sinus rhythm
Up to this point, rhythmology has not been touched upon. In this level, you’ll learn to Identify normal sinus rhythm and the criteria used to assess for sinus rhythm.
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