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Chapter 1

Approach to fractures

From reviewing bone healing to diagnosing fractures on x-ray, we cover the initial assessment of fractures in this chapter.
5 lessons
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Chapter 2


This chapter reviews the different splint types and materials, as well as how to correctly apply splints and avoid complications.
6 lessons
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Chapter 3

Upper extremity splints

This chapter demonstrates application of various types of splints to the upper extremities.
5 lessons
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Chapter 4

Lower extremity splints

This chapter demonstrates application of various types of splints to the lower extremities.
3 lessons
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Chapter 5

Distal upper extremity injuries

The chapter covers a range of upper extremity injuries including dislocations, fractures, amputations, and review of upper extremity anatomy.
6 lessons
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Chapter 6

Distal lower extremity injuries

Broken down anatomically, this chapter covers diagnosis and stabilization of common fractures of the lower extremity.
6 lessons
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Teachers of this course
Image of Siamak Moayedi, MD
Siamak Moayedi, MD
Professor and Director of Medical Student Education, University of Maryland and Course Director, Essential and Critical Procedures, Emergency Medicine.
University of Maryland
Teacher Profile