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Chapter 1

Acid-base fundamentals

In this chapter, you will learn the basic principles behind acid-base analysis. Look inside and see how the pH is determined by bicarbonate and pCO2. This chapter concludes with a handy rule for how to determine if the primary underlying disorder is metabolic or respiratory.
8 lessons
22m 46s
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Chapter 2

Respiratory disorders—a short primer

In this ultra-short chapter (consisting of just one lesson) you will get a short introduction to respiratory disorders.
1 lessons
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Chapter 3

Metabolic acidosis

In this chapter, we'll teach you about the different causes for metabolic acidosis. You'll also learn how to use one of the most powerful tools in acid-base analysis—the anion gap. As you'll see, it's invaluable when analyzing any acid-base problems.
9 lessons
14m 4s
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Chapter 4

Mixed metabolic disorders

Several metabolic acid-base problems can be present in one patient at the same time. In this chapter, we will teach you exactly how you can find out if that's the case in your patient.
4 lessons
11m 2s
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Chapter 5

Metabolic alkalosis

After completing this chapter you will know about the most common causes for metabolic alkalosis. You will also learn several key concepts with respect to its treatment.
2 lessons
9m 8s
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Chapter 6


In this chapter we've come up with super-simple rules that will help you decide if compensation is adequate or not. You'll understand exactly how the lungs compensate a metabolic problem and how the kidneys compensate a respiratory problem.
2 lessons
8m 12s
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Teachers of this course
Image of Franz Wiesbauer, MD MPH
Franz Wiesbauer, MD MPH
Franz is the founder and CEO of Medmastery. He is an internist with a specialization in cardiology and a master’s in public health from Johns Hopkins University.
Teacher Profile
Image of Rainer Oberbauer, MD MSc
Rainer Oberbauer, MD MSc
Nephrologist. Chairman of the nephrology department at the Medical University of Vienna.
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